Relax, brother, you’re more than enough.
This isn’t me creating an issue out of nothing.
What I’ve come to notice is how there are too many solutions out there promising us our optimal selves.
There’s a green powdery substance that looks like it was siphoned out of a septic tank, pills that knock you out cold, gummies that help you last longer with your partner, wearables that track your heart rate, sleep, and remind you when to go take a piss and the list goes on into what feels like infinity.
Picture this:
Imagine you’ve just crash-landed here on Earth from Pluto, and I gave you access to the internet.
How long before you realize:
“Wow, these humans have sure evolved into being fragile and inefficient.”
It’s too easy to be persuaded into believing that you’re lacking something.
I’ve fallen victim to it several times, so I can only imagine what the everyday, psycho-commercially unaware consumer’s habits are.
Once you and I are persuaded into believing we lack something, the next part is easy.
All that is needed next is for us to be promised that the grass is greener in whatever your offer is.
And that our grass will be better than our neighbor’s grass.
And that that will bring us closer to peace, our desires, and further away from pain.
And when you buy that thing that promises you greener grass, it rewards your brain in the same way when you accomplish anything successfully.
Although that buying high wears off quick, knowing you did something correctly, like finishing writing your first novel or making a loaf of sourdough bread from scratch, is all that you were after, I’d argue.
It’s just that doing a couple of clicks here and taps there gets accomplished much faster than anything else worth doing.
That’s why self-help books are super successful.
A couple of clicks, one-day shipping and voilà, all of your life’s problems and worries and hopes and dreams are right there on your shelf.
And then another person comes out with another set of views that you feel are the missing piece in your life and then you buy their book, course or conference.
And if you don’t succumb to this, you’re in for a ride that’s bound to spiral out of control, leading you to question whether you can do anything correctly.
So what’s the solution to all this, Adrian?
The solution isn’t directly monetizable.
The solution has probably existed for centuries, probably existing inside religious texts, too.
And it’s this:
You were created as you are and you are enough.
Drink more water, go for a walk, get some sun and eat clean most days.
Unplug for a moment, go explore and be humbled by nature and learn something new.
Everyone loves the highs of life, though no one is immune to the lows; it’s all a mystery, yet you’re here now, alive and breathing.
You’ll be fine, brother.
You’re more than enough.
— George